Where's Mitzi Now?

Lynettea came home late in the afternoon after being out all day.
Even from afar I could sniff out something wrong. While she slumped down in a chair before getting my evening meal, I could at once detect foreign scents on her.
'Oh Sasha, it's good to be home,' she said. 'Mitzi is a nice little cat ... ouch!! Why did you stick your claw in me?'
Mitzi may be a nice little cat. But where is she now? Your faithful and neglected feline has been waiting all day. Where is my dinner?
Yes, shrink away from my justice. I can also smell the scent of two dogs on you, a poodle and a cockerspaniel. Faithless human!


The Whiskeratti said…
GASP! How rude she was! Our 'rents have no sense of decency.
My human touches other kitties all the time too! The last time I didn't mind because she was brining toys from the Santa Kitty Toy Hop to rescue cats.

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