
This morning did not start well. Lynettea received a prompt from her writer’s course and grimaced. I couldn't see the prompt at first, but while she was putting her Weetbix in her plate and pouring that unhealthy soy milk on top, I managed to look at the email on her phone. Not good news. I hastily ate some of my breakfast and requested her to take me outside. It is a lovely day here, with warm sunshine resting on my petunias and the other plants.

She needs to go out and I must remember that. Fresh air and exercise. All good.

At last she was ready to go. As I got her to buckle on the halter, I hoped she had not taken too much notice of the prompt. 'Imagine you are a god for the day and make everything happen as you want.' Usually I only have to use my VOICE OF COMMAND a few times during the day. Today, what would happen?

We walked towards the first test, the rat hole in the fence at the back of the vegetable bed. We are growing rocket, perpetual lettuce, Asian greens, spring onions and chives, with a parsley bush going to seed, a chilli bush and two soybean plants.

'No, Sasha, come back. I don't want you anywhere near the rat hole.'

Instead of tugging on the lead, I felt an eerie sense of compulsion and walked OBEDIENTLY down the path to the front gate.

Lynettea said, ‘It would be nice for you to take a walk down the street, Sasha.'

She knows I only like to go out after dark. Again I felt that eerie sense of compulsion and walked straight down the steps and into the street. Strangely enough, I didn't even feel nervous. It was quiet and no one else was there. Usually we see people walking and cars rushing past.

After we had a pleasant stroll in the street, we went back into the garden and I inspected the back fence. When I leapt up, Lynettea said, as usual, ‘Don’t jump, Sasha.'

Then she held me up for a bit and said I was warm and soft. I let her hold me without telling her, by wriggling, ‘I am not a toy.' After this, she suggested we go in and I OBEDIENTLY ran straight into my outdoor enclosure.

I thought I might rest somewhere out of sight for the remainder of the day. Things were getting out of hand.

LATER: I wake up from where I am sleeping under the fur throw and realize it is time for Lynettea to stop working on the computer. I put my paws up towards her shoulder and use the VOICE OF COMMAND to tell her to stop.

Ah! Good! She gets up. ‘Oh Sasha, where have you been?’

Things are back to normal.


I'm glad it was just a dream!
meowmeowmans said…
Whew. That was some crazy dream, Sasha. We sure are glad things are back to reality. :)
Donna said…
Oh, boy! I hope u has happy dreams tonight instead. :)

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