Rain falling

Rain has fallen on the plants and the air is getting cooler. Lynettea opened the windows so I can feel a cooler breeze coming in to the house, which is still hot.
Gutters in the street are running, but we don't expect a lot of rain.
I am looking out the window.
I want to go out.
But it is raining.


Kitties Blue said…
Are you asking your mum to let you out in that photo? That's what it looks like. Good balancing act as well. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
It's about time that heat broke!
meowmeowmans said…
We are glad to hear you got a bit of rain, and that things are cooling off a little. We pray and purr for more of the same. Hugs

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