
Relaxing and grooming! I find my morning grooming session is a wonderful time to spend contemplating my life and its meaning and purpose.
This morning Lynettea told me that this whole house is so full of my possessions that the back-door meows like a cat when she opens it.
That is hardly my doing! Surely, she doesn't mean she has to de-clutter yet again? Some of her things could go. I could do with some more space for my stuff. I am forced to keep some of my play equipment on my lounge-room floor and we could spread it further through the house.
But I can't think of tidying things right now.
After the intense heat of yesterday I need to relax and enjoy some pampering from my human.


I sympathize! I'd love a great big cat tree but Mommy says we don't have room. She has plenty of junk she could get rid of to make a place for it! --Mudpie
Lone Star Cats said…
She should de-clutter - and make more room for your stuff.
I'm sure you NEED all your things, Sasha. Your human could probably do without some of those extra things of hers lying around, though.
meowmeowmans said…
What's wrong with the house meowing like a cat?

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